Address Signs

Help Us Find You in a Emergency!
When responding to an incident, First Responders may not be able to locate your house. Hematite Fire Protection District Covers 47 square miles, majority of the District is long drives ways with improper address marking. For only $15 dollars, Your address can be highly visible day or night. The sign can be made Vertical or Horizontal, with pre-drilled holes for mounting. We also offer a 36" metal post for an additional $5.00 dollars. In addition, Jefferson County building codes require that the address of every structure shall be properly marked. You may print off the form below to fill out and drop it off at the Fire Station located at 3067 Meyer Rd. Festus, Mo 63028 or just stop by the Station and fill out the form here. Any Questions, please feel free to contanct us at 636-937-6898.

Reflective Address Sign Form
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